Monday, October 20, 2008

I searched google and found some images.. I first searched the word

it came up with images like so:

and ..

and to be honest... they didnt make all that much sense to me so i carried on and searched another word. I looked at sacrifice. I found these images:


and again.. I didnt really understand it.. but I did like this picture..

I moved back to Washington for someone so I think thats why I chose the words denied and sacrifice subconsiously. When I first looked at these pictures, i thought.. what does paris hilton and this body builder woman lady frien.. have to do with anything. Apparently Paris Hilton got denied from a clud and the mucho women body builder sacrificed her eating habit for a bit to have a "nice" body.. Maybe that is what denied and sacrifice mean to people.. hurting someone or even getting denied "sexually". I dont know. But when I saw that last image I thought to myself.. it doesnt matter how much you feel like you have your heart ripped out from someone .. they can just take it and not even care. I think people have a mislead idea of the real meaning of words.. or maybe google does.. i dunno. But I feel like everytime I search a word.. it just not the right image.

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