Friday, October 10, 2008

The everyday and confusion

In class we talked about the concept of revolution or at least thats what my group was suppose to talk about. When we began talkin about revolution we actually started talking about evolution. I was so completely confused so we had to really stop and think about the word revolution itself. We thought about the example that Joe gave the class the other day. (New technology for the classroom such as four tvs in each corner but now that the class is created there is really no use for them. What we realy need is new computers but in the context of revolution.. they will soon be outdated and we can recieve everything through out phone) Revolution is an everyday to day change and this is what the book is potraying. This change is not necasaily "evolvment" but a change that is forced, necesay. Revolution occurs so we can function to our fullest. Our group didnt get to discuss this in class but I thought it was important to metion because I didnt understand it and now I do. I also was completely confused by this blog thing too.. and forgot my password so that didnt help :)

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