Wednesday, October 29, 2008

News from home writing

When watching News from home.. I took notes.. Here are my exact notes and thinking while watching the movie:

Not a whole lot is going on, most the view is one a few different empty streets. It sounded like a little boy with a very soft voice was reading from a letter. Similar to the last video; there wasnt a lot of structure. More of just thougts that come up. Very quick talking that is hard to understand because there is no pauses between new ideas, its all just run together so it makes it hard to follow. The letters cosist of him telling the parents they are missed and his medication will be taken for his diabetes.
(Assuming this person talking is a young boy)
A woman sitting.. maybe the letter is to her..
I guess cant really tell if the images have a lot to do with the voice or if were suppose to be "imagining" our own storey with it.
I think if I were to imagine a storey.. it doesnt sounds like the mom is gone, its the dad that left and has just decided to not write back or return any calls.
Three kids playing.. maybe its the writer and two brothers.
It sounds like he writes every day to update his dad on everything around him because he is in new york.
Ends every letter asking him to come back.
Writing back to a little girl?..
*Reading both letters from HER and from father.

Thoughts while watching Last Clean Shirt

During the video I was discribing what I was seeing and some thoughts were also put into the writing as well so here they are, exactly what I did in class:

1. (Original clip)The car was just sitting there a woman got in first and was already talking before the man got in. Then the man came walking, she was still talking but now waving. The man taped down a clock.. she wants his complete attention. Shes flirting with him.. I thought she wasnt speaking englsih.. like a different language but when she started singing "lotty dotty" it was clear she was speaking "jiberish" she was not or it not saying anything. Maybe the clock is her timer for when she can stop saying "nothing"
Theres a lot of noise in the background. I think it might almost be hard and awkward to say mumblish to someone and look them in the eye.

2. (same video but now subtitles)Now there are subtitles.. but even the subtitles dont make sense.. there really random and only "kind of" a few can flow together but the ideas have no structure and no consistency.
maybe shes drunk
I guess it's hard for me to follow because there really isnt a specific storey line.. but at the same time the woman is very animated about her "made up" language, so it keeps my interest. She looks lik eshe would be exchanging words with someone in a conversation but she was the only one talking.

3. (Now giving his "point of view" also)Not really actually.. it just says every once in awhile that he is "thinking, still thinking". These subtitles are different, still really dont carry any sort of storey so it's hard to follow but I did notice when she starts singing, there are still subititles. Not only are there subtitles like shes talking when she really is singing, but she litterally will say one word and there will be paragraphs..
Maybe the person putting the subtitles is doing them with no "thought" at all, merely just writting..

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mimic of "nadja description"

I saw Karyn today, her dark skin and long hair were so elegant looking. All the negihboors thinks she odd because she never comes out but I dont think so, her grace and wisdom englightens me, I watch her moves from a far. The way her hands are out to help the ones around her, her head down because shes hard at work, never turning her face the opposite direction of assitance. I wonder who she is, what she thinks after hard at work, if she is pleased by her actions or if she just does it genuinely just because she wants to, I wonder if I will be that one day when I am older or if you have to be that way from the beginging. Do I try to be this way now or do I give up?

(The flower carrier from a point of view with insperation of Nadja)

10 words from Nadja

The reading Nadja was very interesting but also hard to follow because of the long sentences. Our minds are only set to read something short to be captured so I had to reread sentences and break them up myself. I decided to break something else up for myself from Nadja. I took every tenth word from each chapter and created a sentence and tried to make sense of it.

1.Rely knowing word myself I says referring order sense:

This sentece to me means that you can not rely on others for guidence, you have to rely on yourself. If you only follow what others say then you stop thinking for yourself and will always need help for the next step. You know yourself the best and that is the best "order of sense". You will not continue something if there is no motivation nor stop something if there is constant temptation. You are the only one that will be motivated and the only one to say no.

2.Those spend stopping bookstore the beginning buildings, hands:

This sentece is pretty distorted but to me it means that people are so focused on spending there money that they need to just stop and pass by building or look at a book and see at the detail and be able to appreciate the simplicity of things.

3. Who and be after let one would he I will:

To me this sentece says a lot. I think people make mistakes and maybe after those mistakes people will reject that person and look at them differently but one person will look at them and see something different. No one is a "waste" because someone will find that person and love them for who they are, not what they did.

Monday, October 20, 2008

I searched google and found some images.. I first searched the word

it came up with images like so:

and ..

and to be honest... they didnt make all that much sense to me so i carried on and searched another word. I looked at sacrifice. I found these images:


and again.. I didnt really understand it.. but I did like this picture..

I moved back to Washington for someone so I think thats why I chose the words denied and sacrifice subconsiously. When I first looked at these pictures, i thought.. what does paris hilton and this body builder woman lady frien.. have to do with anything. Apparently Paris Hilton got denied from a clud and the mucho women body builder sacrificed her eating habit for a bit to have a "nice" body.. Maybe that is what denied and sacrifice mean to people.. hurting someone or even getting denied "sexually". I dont know. But when I saw that last image I thought to myself.. it doesnt matter how much you feel like you have your heart ripped out from someone .. they can just take it and not even care. I think people have a mislead idea of the real meaning of words.. or maybe google does.. i dunno. But I feel like everytime I search a word.. it just not the right image.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Friday, October 10, 2008

just random

Okay I PROMISE I will get my video up tomorrow.. my pictures are pretty cool too :) I completely didnt get this blog thing but now that I do its pretty fun hah. My brother and I just moved into our place so we have the camera but dont have the cords to hook it up and download pictures. With that we also dont have cable because he forgot the box and we dont have music because theres no batteries.. Basically here is pretty awesome. But now that I figured out blogging and actually have the internet hooked up so I dont have to drive all the way to the library to figure it out is pretty nice ha well ill get my video up tomorrow ujst though id let everyone know! and about that.. how do i do that?
My brother Rich and I played sorry with our friend at our apt. because thats the only game we have. We were having so much fun (especially my brother and I) bumping eachother off the board and having to watch the other person put there piece on start and loose. We laughed so hard everytime this happened and then would yell sorry. I wasthinkging about it though and of course having the assignment in mind, but this is how life kind of is. You start out as equals in a law firm or and other kind of job and then push everyone down so you can get yourself up. At times you may even be happy because a step down for a a friend means a step up for you. Life is amazing dont get me wrong but people in general are so selfish at times you have to laugh about. I know I do. I remember at my old school I was in a soroity and I missed class so I asked my friend what the assignment was ans she told me we didnt have any. Turned out we had a take home test that day. Me failing that test means the curve for grades would be better. I wanted to rat her out for being a b* but I desided to be the bigger person and put it behind me. I talked to my teacher and let him know that yes it was my fault for not coming to class but that I really wanted to make that test up. I ended up being able to do it in class but everyone else got to use a book at home. I was mad at myself ofcourse but I realized it doesnt matter if its a good friend or not everyone is in it for the next "step". Sorry or not it still happened so yelling sorry or acutally being sincere about it, people are still willing to screw you over to get ahead.

The everyday and confusion

In class we talked about the concept of revolution or at least thats what my group was suppose to talk about. When we began talkin about revolution we actually started talking about evolution. I was so completely confused so we had to really stop and think about the word revolution itself. We thought about the example that Joe gave the class the other day. (New technology for the classroom such as four tvs in each corner but now that the class is created there is really no use for them. What we realy need is new computers but in the context of revolution.. they will soon be outdated and we can recieve everything through out phone) Revolution is an everyday to day change and this is what the book is potraying. This change is not necasaily "evolvment" but a change that is forced, necesay. Revolution occurs so we can function to our fullest. Our group didnt get to discuss this in class but I thought it was important to metion because I didnt understand it and now I do. I also was completely confused by this blog thing too.. and forgot my password so that didnt help :)