Saturday, December 6, 2008

noitcerid dna yaw niatrec etirw ot evah ew od yhw

People hold on to things they like. Even when they arnt suppose to. I like this.


When you make a mistake.. all you can do is try again and hop someone will give you a second chance and that hope they see theyve messed up too

It was November 22nd

It was November 22nd and I was looking at the stores in the mall. I see someone wearing a santa hat. It wasnt even december.. I understand why we celebrate christmas but why do we wear red hats with white balls on the end? Because it looks good or because were trying to get ourself in the spirit mood?

I take care of a flower

You can be just as faithful to a place or a thing as you can to a person. A place can really make your heart skip a beat, especially if you have to take a plane to get there.

This is my thing I am faithful to. I get up and water it every couple of mornings. When its sunny outside I take it to the window to let the sun shine on it. When its raining outside I play music. Maybe when you dont have someone to take care of in your life such as a boyfriend or girlfriend you start taking care of the things around you. I take care of a flower.


Blogging is like myspace. you put information up hoping people will read it and take some kind of interst in you.

"To think about the love problems of people you know is really strange, because their love problems are so different from their life promblems"

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My Audio project wasnt posting but here is the website I got it from off so hopefully this will work.